If the media reported as dishonestly toward a Democrat as they do toward Trump, there'd be a lot of DDS (Democrat Derangement Syndrome) out there to go along with TDS. TDS is wholly manufactured by the true cancer among us - that alphabet legacy corporate media, the de facto propaganda arm of the Democrat Party.

Oh, sure, plenty of us wouldn't be fanboys of Trump - in 2016 he was my 18th choice of the 17 GOP primary candidates. I couldn't listen to him speak, not in the debates and not as POTUS. It wasn't until his SOTU when Rush Limbaugh was honored that I literally FIRST listened to Trump all the way through. So I'm not obsequious when it comes to the man.

But if the media just reported the news fairly and honestly, the Democrat Party of the past 30 years would be at most a fringe player in national politics, and Trump would rightly win 45 states.

Oh, sure, the Dems would dominate...San Fran and Austin and Hanover, but nationally, they'd be irrelevant.

The media alone are to blame. The propaganda media are the cancer in America. ABCNBCCBSCNNMSNBCHLNNYTimesWaPoLATimes ad nauseam. Until they are destroyed and rebuilt from scratch, America will lurch closer to its demise more and more every day. IMHO, of course.

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I follow el gato malo on substack as well and he predicts the emergence of a "trust economy" where one's credibility is crowd-sourced - including government agencies. I think the "news media" are already there. They spent the credibility they had over the past 30 years to get Democrats elected - the only people "fooled" at this point are self-deluding Democrats. Herb Stein's Law still applies: that thing that cannot go on forever will eventually stop. The mainstream media have been bleeding away their credibility and operating on credit for a generation. It will stop.

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"It will stop." What's the saying, "that which cannot continue indefinitely, won't", or something to that effect?

BUT, when it does will it be too late? The alphabet media have squandered their credibility with many, but millions still think they're getting news from the MSNBCs and CNNs, etc., of the world. I know a 21-year-old UPenn college student and a 64-year-old successful money manager - two smart people, the former of whom will be voting in Pennsylvania, the latter of whom, thankfully, lives in a territory, not a state - who have shit for brains when it comes to politics, because of where they get their news.

My own siblings also fit that bill. Very smart, edumucated...but Leftist political morons who get their news solely from the NYTimes.

Will the media lose their credibility with enough voters capable of using their heads for something other than hat racks *before* the Republic fails and falls? I don't know.

It's partly why I continue to BG&A.

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Agreed. I have noted for 40 years you had better be “squeaky” clean if you are conservative, whereas you can hang out on Epstein Island, rape women, and get blow jobs in the Oral… Oval Office if you are Dem. Evil corrupt group of people.

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Bravo, Jeff.

I have a Substack account called Find Your Voice. May I have your permission to link this post in one I'm going to schedule for publication on October 30th?

Please let me know. In the meantime, please keep up the good work.

Thank you.

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Thank you, sir.

Here's hoping we make a difference.

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Here you, Jeff:


Thank you very much for your permission to use your name and your post.

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Excellent article.

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Could not agree more... And, as a huge fan of James Taranto, I appreciate the reference!

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James is one of my greatest inspirations for this Substack.

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We have known for a long time that the Democrats would someday suffer from the close relationship they have with the legacy media. It appears that time is now coming. The sooner the better, as far as I am concerned. What I would like to know is what happens to the legacy media when the public sees how one-sided they are? Will they lose sponsors? I sure hope so -- money (or its lack) has a wonderful ability to clarify issues. I sure hopes in this instance.

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Howdy Jeff.

Did you catch the new gallup media survey? 30 ish percent favorability. That is an interesting number. Biden and comala both had favorable ratings in the 30s pre coup. This appears to be audience capture. Overtime the feedback loop they've created gets smaller and smaller. Thoughts?

Great article BTW. Chees!

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Kamala's install was celebrated initially by those who desperately didn't want to choose between Biden or Trump. You see this today in her comments - "I'm not Joe Biden, and I'm most certainly NOT Donald J. Trump." She appealed initially to those who wanted anything BUT those two. I cannot find a Gallup media survey on favorability, but she has apparently not convinced Americans over the past six weeks that she's up to the job. Trump's polling is now looking like pre-coup numbers were against Biden.

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Your article provides insight as to why she hasn't convinced voters. Great discussion. Thanks!

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She got cooked.

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