Bravo Zulu … I’m posting this over to the Fans of Best of the Web Today Facebook group page.

See: https://www.facebook.com/groups/BOTWT

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That'll start a kerfuffle!

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It is not astonishing to see elected Democrats portray Biden as the saint who is saving democracy, but it still astonishes me that so many regular folk have bought the hagiolatry hook line and sinker.

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They like to sit at the Cool Kids table in the cafeteria.

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I remember the day I stopped wanting to sit at the table with the Cool Kids. I was 19 and a sophomore in college. The Cool Kids publicly mocked me for the next three years. Today I'm sure they're Biden voters.

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Well done, sir!

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I didn’t know James had gotten married! Congrats to him. 🎉

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Yeah, I had to google it. I was looking for something snappy to put under his pic.

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